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Vision and Goals

With our sister campuses, we are a key player in the development of the children of this community. As a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, so it is that these early educational steps by our students are just as important as the final ones they will take as they cross the stage at Borger High School during graduation ceremonies.


We believe that we can be a part of that final drama achieving the following goals.


  1. Gateway Elementary will contribute to higher STAAR scores in the areas of Reading and Math at the Third Grade level.

  2. Gateway Elementary will improve annual retention rates.

  3. Gateway Elementary will increase attendance to meet or exceed the state standard.

  4. Gateway Elementary will promote improved student behavior.

  5. Gateway Elementary will encourage the involvement of parents and community members in activities that assist students and improve student performance.

  6. Gateway Elementary will display a school-wide climate of high expectations of all students.